

Scrapbooking with California-Themed Products

Welcome to Day 5 of California Week!

Before traveling to the Visit California Outlook Forum, I knew that I'd want to make a scrapbook page about my experience. So I did something I never do - I made the base page ahead of time and will add the photos and journaling later. It was a fun challenge and a great opportunity to use the fabulous California-themed scrapbook papers I've been hoarding!  

Outlook Forum (affiliate link)

I kept the layout really flexible. I can completely cover the areas with the California text if I want to feature two 4x6 photos. Or I can just fill one. Or I can print 2x3 photos and overlap them so some of the text still shows. The journaling can go onto the lines in the center, or it can go up and down the white spaces on the sides if I have more to say than fits on the card. If that's the case, I'll add a title in the center. If I use that space for journaling, the OUTLOOK FORUM letter stickers I added to the sides of the license plate will serve as my title. 

The papers I used on this layout are by Scrapbook Customs, which is known for their themed products. Reminisce is another company that makes great California-themed papers and stickers. Here are some of my favorites. Click on each photo for a closer look. 

Next week, I'll tell you all about my time at the Visit California Outlook Forum and the fun I had in downtown Sacramento.

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