

Prepping for BASH-O 2023 and Thoughts on Media vs. Mediums

June is almost here, which means it's time for the 2023 BASH-O competition at Bash Your Scrapbook Stash! I had a great time participating in BASH-O 2022 and am eager to jump in again. I don't anticipate completing very many pages, but I'll do my best!

BASH-O is a month-long bingo-style challenge. To play, we choose 24 of the 36 possible items and place them on the BASH-O card in whatever order we want. The center is a free space. Here's what my 2023 card looks like: 

These are the 36 possibilities, with six items in each of the six categories. I highlighted the ones I chose in green. 

No surprise - I chose all of the options in the photos category and all but one in the tools, shapes, and themes categories. I only chose one of the textures (specifically because I use chipboard letters and die cuts regularly). I only chose two of the mixed mediums.

Excuse the digression, but does anyone else cringe at the word "mediums" in reference to art materials? Most people use media as the plural, which is my strong preference. Britannica says that both media and mediums are both correct for "the materials or methods used by an artist" and Merriam-Webster agrees. I checked in case it was an American vs. British thing. Nope. also says you can use either one. Personally, when I see the word "mediums" in any context, I am much more likely to assume you mean the people associated with the photo on the top rather than the supplies shown below. 

And then there is social media, which we treat as a singular thing ("social media is" not "social media are") despite media being unquestionably plural. It would sound really odd to refer to a single social medium even though that's technically correct. English is weird. 

Anyway... BASH-O. There's a new rule this year (or if it isn't new, I missed it last year) which is that you can make two cards in lieu of one layout to mark off a square. That is really good news, as I don't have many printed photos right now, plus I need to build up my card supply. 

Are any of you playing BASH-O? Depending on when you're reading this, it may not be too late to start. Good luck to all who are participating!

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