

Alaska 2022

 For the stars space on my BASH-O card, I made this page about our 2022 cruise to Alaska.

Alaska 2022 (affiliate link)

I'm really pleased with how I adapted that eagle journaling card to make it work as a title card for this page. It's from a patriotic collection, but a well-placed sticker (IT'S TIME FOR AN ADVENTURE) covered the word LIBERTY. Then I spelled out Alaska in the spot where journaling would go. 

There are some very subtle stars on the title card, but they're not nearly prominent enough for it to count for BASH-O. So I used gold star stickers to recreate the Alaska flag. The stars are a little bigger than they are on the real flag, but the idea is there and I think it adds to the layout. 

I didn't leave myself much journaling room on this page. I should have anticipated needing more and cut the ocean paper a little bit narrower. I managed to squeeze the important stuff in, plus it's all well-documented in four blog posts

One more layout until my next BASH-O!

"But Cindy," you're saying. "You dedicated four blog posts to this trip and shared 100+ photos. This layout has only five photos and two of them don't even have people! There are no photos of literally half of the group, including you. The whole point of the trip was to celebrate your parents belated 50th anniversary and there isn't even a photo of your mom on this layout! This cannot be the only page you made from that trip. It can't. But you have a one-layout per trip rule, so I'm totally confused!"  

To which I say: You know me well. Come back tomorrow. 

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