
Dallas - Fort Worth

We spent the last few days of spring break 2023 in Texas, exploring Fort Worth and Dallas. We packed our days with activities and, as always, it was difficult to select a small number of photos to represent our time there. I settled on 9: the Texas flag, the longhorn cattle drive, solving the Quest in Fort Worth, the headquarters of the Boy Scouts of America, the Fort Worth Stockyard, the Dallas trolley tour, Dealey Plaza with Xs in the road, the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum, and the Perot.    

DFW (affiliate link)

I started by putting my nine photos into a grid, my favorite way to do travel layouts. I left a horizontal strip below the first set of photos, which would need to hold my title and my journaling. I struggled with how to do that, and eventually decided to treat that horizontal strip as three more spots in the grid. 

I'd planned to use this sticker sheet for embellishing. 

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Rather than sprinkling the stickers into a visual triangle, I grouped a bunch of stickers together in the righthand spot. I added a title in the center and finished by writing my journaling on the left. I don't love this layout, but I'm glad that it's in the album. 

1 comment:

  1. You don’t love this layout??!! I love it! I probably would have done an entire page of just the longhorn cattle drive, lol! Your take is much better and looks great!

    I’ve been to Texas a few times and have scrapped each trip. I find it hard to gather the right embellishments. The embellishment packages quickly become very repetitive.


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