These are the last two pages in Trevor's 50 State Album: South Dakota and North Dakota.

It makes me enormously happy to look through the now-completed album. It sparks so many great memories. I had the finished album on display during our 50 State Party and quite a few guests looked through it.
I was hoping to make a GIF or a flipbook of the completed album, both as a backup to the physical album and to share here on the blog, but I've run into some technical snags. I'll eventually figure out the best way to share the album digitally, but for now you can see the thumbnail of each of the pages on my US Travel page. They're arranged alphabetically there, just like the physical album. When I make the GIF and/or flipbook, they'll be chronological. That way you can literally see Trevor grow up, from birth to age 17, as he visits each of the 50 states.
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