

"Hard-Boiled Egg Drink" for April Fool's Day

I love food that looks like one thing but is actually something else. Remember the "bowl of cereal" I made for April Fool's Day a few years ago? Just like that, this "hard-boiled egg drink" is meant to fool the eye, but delight the palate. Can you guess what's in it?

Before I reveal the answer, it is worth mentioning that at least one cocktail made with hard-boiled eggs exists. I haven't tried it, but I suppose I'd be willing to. I'm far less interested in trying any of the hard-boiled egg smoothie recipes out there. 

Hard-boiled egg sliders, on the other hand.... sooo good!

Just split hard-boiled eggs in half, then add bacon, cheddar cheese, and mashed avocado. Use a toothpick to hold them together, then sprinkle salt and pepper on top. They make a fantastic appetizer; in fact, I served them recently when we had a friend over for dinner. 

I made two other egg-inspired dishes for that meal. For the entree, I cooked meatballs in mariana sauce with zucchini, then cracked eggs into the sauce and baked them in the oven. So yummy and a really easy one-pot meal!

I also made some spoonbread. I tried a recipe I'd pinned (as part of my creative resolutions for the year). It was fine, but not amazing. 

I served my "hard-boiled egg drink" for dessert. Have you guessed what's in it yet? Three things: vanilla ice cream, milk, and mango ice cream. (Fun fact: You can buy mango ice cream on Amazon (affiliate link here and below), but I don't recommend doing so unless you have significant money to burn.) 

I put vanilla ice cream and milk in the blender to make milkshakes and poured them into glasses. Then I used a small cookie scoop to make balls of mango ice cream and added them to the milkshakes. Obviously, you could make your own ice creams, but I went the easy route this time and used store-bought. 


It was delicious and such a fun treat. It would make a great addition to a meal on April Fool's Day!

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