
Graduation Announcement

Since I made an adoption announcement for our rabbit, it seemed like I should make an announcement for the human member of the family who is graduating from high school soon. 

Please excuse my bragging, but I'm a really proud mom. Trevor is graduating with Highest Honors and is Salutatorian for his class. He completed 42 units of college courses in addition to his high school classes, maintained a perfect GPA, and logged over 100 hours of community service. Trevor was accepted to his top choice of colleges, the University of California at Davis, where he will be studying Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology in the fall. I'm so excited for him. 

Congratulations, Trevor! We could not be more proud of you. 


  1. Well done young man!!! You’re pretty amazing!!!

  2. Congratulations! Way to go Trevor.

  3. Congratulations Trevor on your journey ahead, may God blessings shower you abundantly throughout your road ahead.

  4. Congratulations! So very proud of you and your accomplishments. You worked so hard!

  5. You've raised a great human. Glad I could see him growing up through your documentation.


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