
Baketini Cookie Decorating Kit - Tutti Frutti

I really enjoy decorating cookies. I don't do it often, for two reasons: 1) Baking shaped cookies and making multiple colors of royal icing is quite time consuming, and that's before you get to the decorating part; and 2) If I bake cookies, I eat cookies. I'm looking to lose weight not gain it, so I limit how often I make cookies. 

Following my recent surgery, Steve ordered a cookie decorating kit for me. It was the perfect activity to do during recovery. Since everything came in the kit, all I had to do was open it and jump in with decorating. Check out what I made! 

Sadly, my previous go-to place for cookie decorating kits, Color My Cookie, is no longer in business. This kit came from Baketini, which is sold on Etsy. It included: 8 cookies, sealed in plastic and placed in bubble wrap bags; 4 colors of royal icing; 3 bags of sprinkles; and instructions.  

I was very disappointed to see that two of the cookies broke in transit. I don't know if I was just unlucky in the way my box was handled, or if it's a common problem. It wasn't that big of a deal for me, but if I'd been intending to use the kit for a group of 8 kids, it would have been a problem. Nobody wants a broken cookie. 

Fortunately, it's easy to glue cookies back together with royal icing. That's the first thing I did before decorating my cookies. You'd have to look really carefully at the finished cookies to know which ones were broken (the pineapple and the lower pair of cherries). 

Neither the kit nor the listing showed what the finished cookies were supposed to look like, so I had to wing it. In particular, I wasn't sure where to use the colorful sprinkles. I picked out the yellow ones to use on the slice (which I decided must be a lemon), then put the rest on what might have been a peach or a lemon or a lime. Probably a lemon, but I don't know.  

So how did the cookies taste? Fantastic! Steve and Trevor helped me eat them and all three of us gave them an enthusiastic thumbs-up. I can definitely see ordering from Baketini again! 

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