As you know, I love postage stamps. They're inexpensive, tiny works of art that serve a purpose beyond aesthetic. I don't collect stamps now the way I did when I was a kid, but I still enjoy them and look forward to seeing each year's newest issues. I regularly give framed stamps as gifts.
The first postage stamps in the United States went on sale in 1847 and featured Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. The idea for commemorative stamps began in 1893 with a stamp about Columbus' voyages to the New World. Since then, there have been thousands of commemorative stamps. Some of my favorites are the commemorative stamps that honor our 50 states. All 50 states have appeared on postage stamps. In fact, every state appears on a stamp every 50 years from statehood.
My home state, California, joined the union in 1850. This stamp celebrates the 100th anniversary of California statehood. Affiliate links here and below.
This stamp is from 2000, the 150th anniversary of California. It cost 30 cents more than the stamp from 50 years earlier.
California's next statehood stamp will be issued in 2050. It will be interesting to see its value. Stamps are already more expensive by 40 cents than they were in 2000. Who knows how much they'll cost after another 26 years.
Statehood anniversaries aren't the only time states are featured on postage stamps. California has a 1969 stamp recognizing 200 years of (non-indigenous) settlement...

... and a stamp marking the 100th and the 150th anniversary of the Gold Rush.
Each state also appears in sets, like the 1976 Bicentennial State Flags, the 1982 State Birds and Flowers, and the 2002 Greetings From America set. These are some of my all-time favorite stamps. I love seeing the complete sets of 50 states together.
Colorado celebrates 150 years of statehood in 2026, so that is most likely the next regularly-scheduled state stamp we'll see. I'm looking forward to it.
I will be taking another blog break while we travel to Europe to celebrate Trevor's high school graduation. I begin radiation for breast cancer immediately when we return, so I'm not sure when I'll resume blogging. Fortunately, there are almost 3400 posts already on my blog, so poke around a bit!
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