
Family Fun in Europe: Three Weeks, Ten Countries

Our family just returned from a fabulous 3-week adventure in Europe with my parents and my sister Kari's family. This trip, courtesy of my parents, was in celebration of Trevor's high school graduation. Just like my nephew Timothy did for his 2019 high school graduation trip, Trevor chose the itinerary for his trip. Kari made the reservations. All we had to do was book our own flights. What a difference from the work I usually put into planning a trip!

We traveled to ten different countries via plane, train, bus, and cruise ship. (Most of us did, anyway - more about that later.) This map shows how we arrived to each place we visited.    

Regular readers will know that the deRosiers travel fairly often, but the vast majority of our adventures have been within the United States. In July 2023, we completed our goal to take Trevor to all fifty states before he turned 18. All our other travels, with the exception of the seven European countries we visited during Timothy's 2019 trip, have been in the western hemisphere. So this European vacation was extra special. 

I am so incredibly grateful to have been able to take this trip. Following my breast cancer diagnosis and surgery, we didn't know if I'd be able to travel. On June 26, my surgeon and oncologist decided that it was safe for me to delay radiation treatment by three weeks in order to go to Europe as scheduled on July 12. To say I was thrilled would be an understatement. 

Tomorrow I'll tell you about our first destination, Amsterdam. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got to go! Need to catch up on your adventures!


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