

50 State Quarters: Coloring Pages Using Stabilo Woody 3-in-1 Arty

I'm really enjoying the process of picking different art supplies to complete coloring pages featuring the 50 State Quarters. So far, I've colored with Ohuhu markers (Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, and Wisconsin), used inks as a base and layered colored pencil on top (Connecticut, Idaho, Missouri, and Montana), "painted" with Flair pens (Delaware and Indiana), and colored with classic Sharpies (Maine and South Carolina). This time, I completed the pages using Stabilo Woody 3-in-1 Arty (affiliate link). 

I had fun playing with the Stabilos. I love the way I was able to get different shades from a single pencil on the purple mountains of Colorado. (You did know that America the Beautiful's "purple mountain majesties" is in Colorado, right?) Despite there being only 18 colors in the set, I didn't feel too limited by my palette. Part of that is because of the particular quarters I chose to color with the Stabilos. Overall, the Stabilos were fun on backgrounds and larger areas, but using them for details was rough. I found the finest paintbrush I own to try to fill in the letters, but it was really hard difficult to stay in the lines and equally challenging (for me, anyway) to get a consistent amount of pigment onto the brush. You can see that I gave up trying to paint in the tiny little E PLURIBUS UNUM spaces on the New Hampshire quarter after I messed up the first letter (M. I always paint right to left.)

One final comment: I'm glad the Old Man of the Mountain is forever immortalized on New Hampshire's quarter. It was believed to be approximately 12,000 years old when it collapsed in 2003, just three years after the quarter was issued. 

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