

Dandelions and Fortune Cookie Messages in the Sketchbook

One of the many things uncovered when Trevor was packing to move into the dorms was a collection of fortune cookie messages. Neither of us remember when he was collecting them. I went through the stack, picked out four that I thought offered the best advice as he's headed off to college, and added them to this dandelion page in my sketchbook. 

The right side was already in the sketchbook (here's the tutorial for the dandelions). I didn't like what was on the left side, so I painted over it, glued the fortunes in place, then added the dandelion fluffs and the grass. 

Trevor, please do your best to remember each of these as you navigate through college and beyond: 

  • Do not hide your feelings. Let others know where you stand. 
  • You will obtain your goal if you maintain your course. 
  • The strengths in your character will bring you serenity. 
  • People enjoy having you around. Appreciate this. 

Sometimes, there's a lot of wisdom hiding inside a fortune cookie. 

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