I'm back to crafting and excited to share my latest name art project! It was a lot of fun to make and is easy to do in the classroom or with other groups. Affiliate links below.
Decide how large you want the finished name to be. Mine is about 5" x 1", which required a half-ounce of Model Magic. For longer names (or if you want a larger version, regardless of name length), add more Model Magic accordingly.
Open your clay onto a piece of parchment paper. I used a cutting board because I had it out for another project, but parchment paper is a better choice, because you'll be able to paint your artwork directly on it. Divide the Model Magic into X pieces, based on the number of letters in your name. Some letters, like the I in my name, will need less clay. Add it to letters (like the N) that need more.
Roll each ball into a snake, then shape it into the correct letters.
Let the Model Magic dry completely, then turn it over to let the other side dry. Plan for a total of at least 24 hours of drying time.
When it is completely dry, arrange your name on a piece of cardstock, then mark it and cut it to the desired size. Set the cardstock aside, then pick a paint palette.

Paint each letter with one of the colors. Let the paint dry.

Select colors of Extreme Glitter to compliment your palette. Add a coat (or two!) to add a ton of sparkle.
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