
Mother's Day 2024

The plan for Mother's Day 2024 was to go to church, then leisurely enjoy the brunch that followed. Instead, we skipped brunch, raced out of church as soon as the service ended, and got to the mall in time to be the first in line when the Men's Wearhouse opened so Trevor could rent a tux for Senior Prom. He'd waited until the last second to reserve a tux online, only to find out that he was actually a few hours too late. I was not pleased, to say the least. I had no choice but to take him to the mall to take care of it in person the next day, which happened to be Mother's Day. 

Fortunately, there were no problems getting the tux reserved, although the process took a lot longer than either of us expected. It was far too late to return to the church brunch, so we bought Wetzel's Pretzels for lunch and took a power-walk around the mall. It ended up being a lot of fun, albeit a very non-traditional way to celebrate. 

Mother's Day 2024 (affiliate link)

Mother's Day 2024 was not what I'd expected, but if parenting has taught me anything, it's that things don't always go as planned. As the tag at the bottom of my layout says, "Embrace the detour." That's exactly what we did that day. 

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