
Davis, California: Art in Public Places

In 1973, the city of Davis, California started the Art in Public Places Program. For 51 years (and counting), the City has allocated 1% of all public funds for Capital Improvement Projects to go toward art. The result is a city packed with sculpture, murals, tile work, paintings, and other beautiful features in the public areas. 

Trevor has been living in Davis since we moved him into the dorms on September 17. He loves UC Davis and is thriving. In addition to his classwork, he's volunteering at the California Raptor Center (where he did his Eagle Project and part of his Senior Project), has joined multiple clubs, and is spending a lot of time with his new friends. Fortunately for us, he made time in his schedule to meet us for lunch one day in downtown Davis. 

But before we met him up with him, we walked around downtown specifically to see the art. 


Steve and I both went to college in Davis and have spent a lot of time there over the decades, but this was the first time we used the City's public art pocket map to guide our stroll. 

We saw a good amount of the public art within a few blocks of downtown, but that is only part of the nearly 200 pieces of public art within city limits. It's impressive. 


Davis is a really special city and well worth a visit if you haven't been. 

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