
50 State Quarters: Coloring Pages Using Himi Gouache

I've finished four more of the 50 State Quarter coloring pages: West Virginia, Iowa, Utah, and New York. For this batch, I used Himi gouache (affiliate link here and below). 

I've only used gouache a handful of times before, so this was all about experimentation. I learned a lot about the way gouache behaves (at least on the paper I used). I enjoyed the vibrancy of the colors and how they blended, but even better was the fact that I could reactivate dried areas. I had a lot of fun playing with gouache! If you've never tried it, you can't go wrong with the kit I used, which is under $20. 

I've now officially completed more than half of the 50 coloring pages. These are the other art materials I've used so far: 

Only (haha!) 24 coloring pages to go!

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to try Himi amongst other stuff. If only I had more time to play! You are doing great on your coloring pages.


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