I have a new favorite game. It's called Bongo and it's a Puzzmo game.
I've been playing since it debuted in November and I'm hooked. Bongo is essentially a single-player Scrabble-type game: the goal is to fit 25 letters into five 5-letter spaces in order to score the most points. Unlike in Scrabble where obscure words can win you the game, with Bongo you get bonus points for using common words. There are many, many solutions to each day's puzzle, so you can try again and again to try to improve your score.
The 25 letters in each day's puzzle come from 5 words with a common theme. They don't tell you those words, although if you happen to enter one, it will turn purple. It's fun to try to figure out the words and the theme, separate from the main goal of getting the highest score. Anyone can submit words for Bongo, based on something personal or special. There was a rabbit-themed Bongo in December, as well as one based on sweets. I enjoyed the one about activities to do on a train. After giving it some thought, I submitted a set of words based on my favorite hobby, scrapbooking.
They want eight words (of which they choose five), so this is my list:
It would be so exciting to see my words as a Bongo puzzle and fun to share my love of scrapbooking with a broader audience. Fingers crossed they pick my theme!
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