
These are a Few of My Least Favorite Things

Last year, I made a scrapbook layout about a few of my favorite things. Thirty of my favorite things, to be exact. Today I'm sharing the companion page.

This page was much more difficult to make than the favorite things page. The first challenge was picking 30 items. It's not hard to think of 30 things I don't like, but I didn't want them to be things that everyone hates, like cancer or car accidents. I wanted to pick stuff that other people actually like, or at least not actively hate. I also chose not to include specific people or characters amongst my least favorite things, although it was tempting because there are some I really hate. I had to remind myself that the goal wasn't to pick the 30 things I hate the most, but rather to pick 30 items I don't like (that other people do). 

Once I had my list of 30, I had to replace some of my choices because I couldn't find a photo. As before, I made the five photo collages using the library of images on PicMonkey. They have a lot fewer pictures of unpopular things than they do of things like donuts, snowmen, and flamingos. 

I used the same format for this page as for the favorite things page, except I chose a color palette I don't like for the title and embellishments. Swamp green, brown, grey, and pink might be someone's favorite combination, but it certainly isn't mine. 

While I didn't feel like there was anything to explain with the items on my favorite things layout, I think this one calls for some explanations. I'm sorry in advance if it bothers you that I hate something you love. 


A Few of My Least Favorite Things

1. Eels are the creepiest animal that exists. I will happily pick up spiders and I find snakes delightful. But eels are awful. I hate the way they look and how they hide and lurch out at their prey. 

2. Spicy food makes no sense to me. I don't like pain. Why would I intentionally eat food that causes burning pain? I wouldn't. 

3. I hate sand. It is my least favorite texture. And the fact that it gets everywhere is another reason to hate it. I don't like the beach, but when I can't avoid it I wear tennis shoes that don't come off. 

4. I am extremely uncomfortable in crowds. I feel trapped and disoriented when there are too many people around me. I worry about being separated from the people I'm with and I worry about getting trampled. Crowds are unpredictable and I hate that. 

5. Smoking is disgusting. 

6. Boxing is my least favorite sport. The goal is to hurt someone else by punching them in the face. It's barbaric. 

7. Snorkeling is awful. Breathing through a tube is difficult and uncomfortable. I've tried snorkeling at least 10 times, most recently on my honeymoon. I hated it every single time. Never again. 

8. Mochi is gross. The elastic texture is off-putting, to say the least. And the taste doesn't make up for it. 

9. I don't like flying. I get on planes because that's the only way to travel to some of the places I want to go in the time that I have. I didn't mind flying until I was around 30 and now it's miserable. My anxiety is sky-high (ha!) the entire time I'm on a plane. 

10.  Bubble tea is gross. I don't like tea very much to begin with, but adding slimy starch balls does not improve it. 

11. I don't like fog - I find it oppressive and depressing, not to mention scary. Who or what is lurking nearby that I can't see? But driving in fog is a thousand times worse. 

12. I don't like coffee or coffee-flavored anything. I don't particularly like the smell either. 

13. I hate peeling paint. It just looks so bad to me - rundown and neglected. It is beyond my comprehension that some people actually choose a 'shabby chic' style for their decor. 

14. I hate sushi. I don't like seafood of any kind, cooked or raw. That includes nori. Yuck. I've choked down sushi for the sake of being polite more times than I care to remember. 

15. Most of me is not particularly claustrophobic, but my feet certainly are. I can't last more than a minute or two in a mummy bag before my feet desperately need out. 

16. Thrill rides don't thrill me, they make me throw up. Especially the ones that spin. For the first 20 years of my life, I tried thrill rides every time I went to an amusement park. Once in a while, I'd be lucky and I wouldn't actually vomit. Instead, I'd sit on a bench for the next hour thinking I was going to vomit.

17. I don't like the smell of lavender. I really don't like the taste of lavender. I've never eaten a single thing that made me think, "This would be better if I added a bitter, yucky-smelling, dried flower to it!"

18. Hunting to survive makes sense, but killing animals as a hobby is deeply disturbing to me. Putting the heads of the animals you kill on the wall is not something people who are hunting to survive would do.

19. I don't like the texture of tapioca pudding. Or pudding in general, for that matter, but especially pudding with 'pearls' in it. (See #10.)

20. I like virtually every dried fruit except for dried grapes. They have a rotten taste to me (which I also taste in some wines). It is annoying when raisins ruin perfectly good foods, like oatmeal cookies or cinnamon rolls. 

21. I broke the rule somewhat for this one since I don't think anyone particularly likes port-a-potties, but I loathe them. I've done weekend campouts without using the bathroom a single time to avoid them. I know that level of dehydration is not healthy, but that's how much I hate port-a-potties.

22. Packing is very, very stressful for me. I am unreasonably terrified that I'm going to forget something important that I can't replace at my destination. I make lists and start packing early, but it still causes major anxiety. 

23. I don't like the look of tattoos. At all. 

24. Bean sprouts taste like crunchy grass. 

25. I learned to drive cars with an automatic transmission since that is what my parents owned. In college, when both my roommate and my boyfriend drove a stick shift, I started to have nightmares about needing to drive a loved one to the hospital only to find out the only car available had a manual transmission. In my mid 20s, I took lessons in an attempt to stop the nightmares. It was better for awhile, but they restarted in 2002 when I began dating Steve, who drove a stick shift. He gave me a few more lessons, but the nightmares didn't stop completely until he sold that car and bought an automatic in 2012. 

26. I don't like the floral taste of lychee. 

27. It's irrational, but I despise paying for parking. I don't mind bridge tolls or sales tax or other types of payments, but I will go significantly out of my way to avoid paying to park.

28. I don't like long fingernails, fake or real. 

29. I don't like fish. I'm uncomfortable around living fish and even more uncomfortable around dead fish. 

30. Steve loves whiskey. I am no longer drinking any alcohol at all since it interferes with my cancer medication, but before that I would always take a sip of Steve's whiskey-based cocktails to see if I could finally find one I liked. Nope. 

I love the way the two pages look together in the album. 

Agree with any of my least favorite things? Have your own to add? Let me know in the comments!

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