
50 State Quarters: Coloring Pages Using Kuretake Gansai Tambi

It's time to share the next four of the 50 State Quarter coloring pages. Today's states include Georgia, California, North Dakota, and North Carolina. This time I used Kuretake Gansai Tambi, which I told you about on Wednesday. Affiliate links here and below.

I enjoyed coloring this set of State Quarters using the Gansai Tambi. I love how easy it is to get deep pigmentation or a light wash depending on how much water you use. Other than swatching, this was my first time using this paint, so I was learning as I went. As with all the other paints I've used, painting in the tiny letters on the quarters was a major challenge, but that's certainly not the fault of the medium.   

Including these four, I have now completed 46 of the 50 State Quarter coloring pages. Here are the art materials I've used previously:

I'm down to the last four State Quarters!

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