
Jones Family Photos

When the Estajonesiers get together, we are pretty good about taking group pictures. We're especially good at taking photos of my parents with all three of their grandchildren. But it's been 19 years (!) since we took a picture with just my parents, me, and my sister. I used that photo, plus two others from 1981 and 1995, to make this layout. 

Jones Family (affiliate link)

Here's a closer look at each of the photos, along with a few others that I didn't use on the layout. 








I made this page for Game 2 of Bash Bowl

I earned three points for Twisted Scissors: the tabs, the full length border, and the words and phrases. I didn't feel like adding metal to the page just for the point, even though that actually translated to a loss of three points (if I'd added metal, I would have been able to count the two points for the touchdown technique since I used a punch). Ultimately, I have a layout that I like and that's obviously what's most important.

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