The Case of the Missing Scoutmaster - Solution

Don't read the solution until after solving the clues!


Mr. Hassler was last seen by Quartermaster Mason and Historian Connor. The Scouts had asked Mr. Hassler to meet them at the Moose Lodge, where Mason needed to inventory troop supplies and Connor wanted to examine the old newspaper articles and other memorabilia from the early years of Troop 482. After completing their tasks, the Scouts yelled a goodbye to Mr. Hassler (who had stepped into the bathroom to wash his hands) and left together. Mr. Hassler turned to leave the bathroom, but discovered to his horror that the door would not open. It had been a struggle to open it due to the rusty hinges, but because the door opened inward, he'd put his body weight behind it. He never imagined he'd be unable to pull the door back open! Mr. Hassler had left his 10 Essentials, along with his phone, wallet, and keys, in a pack on the pool table just outside the bathroom door. He tried yelling, but no one else was there. Nobody knows how long he would have been there if you hadn't come along, seen the rusty hinges, dug through the pack, and squirted a liberal amount of sunscreen into those hinges. It provided just the right amount of lubrication to open the door and rescue Mr. Hassler, just in time for the troop meeting.


  1. What an excellent idea. I am setting up a similar course for my troop (174) in Albuquerque, NM.
    Thank you!

  2. That is pretty cool, I think I will try to do something similar. Thank you for the great idea.

  3. Thank you for the idea! I wrote a Historic Scavenger Hunt of the Main Street of our Town and the girls loved it! We used names on buildings, dates on buildings, landmarks like clock towers, murals, statues etc.

  4. Loved it!! What a fun and creative activity!

  5. This is fantastic! We are starting now to make this our summr camp theme for 2024. Turning this into a week long activity.


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